Juice Products
and Suppliers
Why Join JPA?
JPA Member Companies are Industry Leaders
JPA Advocates for the Industry
JPA is the Go-to resource for the Industry
Founded in 1957, JPA is the only US-based trade association dedicated exclusively to meeting the needs of the juice products industry.
- JPA serves as a technical and regulatory resource to members to address issues impacting their bottom line.
- JPA members receive frequent updates on industry legislative and regulatory matters.
- JPA manages the Tanker Wash Audit Program to ensure safe juice transport.
- JPA’s Laboratory Proficiency Program offers processors a cost-effective means of assessing their in-house laboratories’ accuracy.
- JPA reports on the latest technology advances in the industry.
- JPA conducts research that promotes and defends the healthfulness of juice.
- JPA is recognized as the voice of the juice industry by Federal agencies, such as FDA and USDA, who seek input from the association on juice matters

To strengthen the juice products industry by providing a unified voice, serving as the expert resource, enhancing industry best practices, and promoting consumer benefits of juice products.
JPA is the trade association representing the fruit and juice products industry. JPA membership includes processors, packers, extractors, brokers and marketers of fruit or vegetable juices, drinks, or bases, as well as industry suppliers and food testing laboratories. Our manufacturers represent over 80% of the US volume of juice and fruit beverage production, plus companies in Mexico, China and Latin America. JPA also includes firms engaged in futures trading on behalf of JPA processor members.
JPA serves its members and consumers by:
- Acting as the unified voice for the industry, both in the United States and abroad
- Promoting high standards of product safety and quality, and good manufacturing and inspection practices in the production and distribution of juice products
- Advocating uniformity in standards applicable to the industry
- Providing input to technology, trade, legislative, and regulatory proposals and actions affecting the industry
- Sharing the most current information available on trends, media coverage, and best practices
- Sponsoring research
- Conducting outreach to key influencers and consumers with science-based information on the healthfulness of juice
JPA holds an Annual Meeting and other virtual meetings that offer strong educational programming and unique opportunities to network with industry leaders, building lasting relationships among members.
Research: Our Nutrition Committee, comprised of senior nutrition scientists from JPA member companies, advises and guides JPA on the effects of juice on health and well-being, and identifies research opportunities that investigate the healthfulness of juice.
Communications: JPA develops and promotes accurate, science-based communications to explain the benefits of juice consumption and counter misinformation. Learn more at www.sipsmarter.org
JPA is recognized as an expert by Federal agencies such as FDA who seek input from the association on issues related to the juice industry. JPA advocates on behalf of the industry on key regulatory and technical matters and regularly interfaces with officials on these topics.
JPA committees typically meet at our Annual Meeting and via conference calls throughout the year. Committee service is an excellent way to get involved in the association; all members are encouraged to participate!
JPA membership is open to companies engaged in the juice and juice products industry. There is no limit on the number of individuals per member company who can participate in JPA.
- Regular Members are actively engaged in extracting, processing, packaging or having co-packed fruit or vegetable juices, juice drinks, or bases. Dues are based on annual revenue.
- Associate Members are engaged in furnishing equipment, services, ingredients or supplies to as described above.
JPA’s Concord Grape Section operates under its own charter and requires additional membership dues to participate.